Deuteronomy 6:5-7

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength. "And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart." You shall teach them dilligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up."

Monday, September 27, 2010

Has it really been that long???

I am feeling a bit bad for not blogging in FOREVER! Really , so much has gone on in the past few months. Our yard is turning green!! You heard right, our yard is no longer rocks and rocks but now almost complete. And I am so thankful for this Indian summer we are having. It is almost October and going to be 90 degrees out today!!! WOW....

Mary just turned 6 on the 22nd. Let me tell you what she told me.... "So tomorrow is my real birthday right"? I said, "WHAT"? I could not believe she said that to me. We had songs, cake, presents, and dinner out with mom and dad. I do not understand why she would not think that it's really her real birthday. LOL Silly girl!

Abby is turning 4 on October 4th. She is still my tiny little monkey baby. I can't believe just how tiny she is. One of my kids asked me the other day if she will always be super little?? Maybe.... But I do remember Chad being this way when he was a toddler. I thought he would never ever grow. And now, he is getting so tall and big, and tweenagerish. If that is even a word. All moms of 12 year olds I do believe know what tweenagerish means :O)

Today I have my first day of Bible study! Let me tell you I have not gone to a Bible study in YEARS. I thank God that He has put certain friends in my life to encourage me to go. I know that this will be something that will strengthen me in my walk. I really look forward to what the Lord will have in store for me.

I have now gone a complete week without eating any processed sugar. It has helped my complexion so much! I am just waiting for my extra weight to leave. I mean those zits must have weighed in at a pound each... I am sure of, right?? LOL If sugar causes acne, then I surly do not need it! I am slowly and slowly aiming for NO processed stuff. I am starting with sugar this month. Maybe flour next? Go straight to wheat? I do not know. But I do know that I already feel better.

Well, I better depart from this blog for now. And hopefully it won't be a few months till you hear from me again. God bless you all....

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